

This is an out-of-pocket service. Insurance will not be billed.

Being a parent is the epitome of a full-time job you’ve been given zero training for. It’s stressful and overwhelming all while being one of the most fulfilling experiences in life. We know these little persons inside out and upside down, and when something’s not quite right, we know that too. Unfortunately, figuring out just what it is can be a maze full of dead ends.

I want to troubleshoot what you’re seeing at home and help you develop a road map for answers. Is your little one a picky eater beyond what seems reasonable? Maybe there’s some sensory issues going on, or an evaluation with a speech therapist may be helpful. Does your child seem dysregulated and has difficulty coping with everyday tasks? From Mental Health to Occupational Therapy there is a wide variety of services to meet the needs of children but knowing where to start can be overwhelming. I’d love to sit down and help.